Monday, May 10, 2010

Garden Trellis

I put this garden trellis up today as an experiment.  We'll see if it can stand or it the curvature will let it fall.  I'm going to plant some nest egg pumpkins around it.  I've started them inside to give them a head start.  If you look closely, you can see that I turned over the last of the winter rye.  Made great mulch, no weeds got through, but no seeds would start either.  The worms love it though, as do the robins who find the worms!

Here are the little guys now.  There are blue pumpkins and nest egg pumpkins.

Tiny beans

A picture of bean seedlings.  We'll see what variety a little later.


I think that this is a baby cabbage.

Swiss Chard

My Swiss Chard that I started from seed has shown some growth I'm happy to say.  Here is a picture of the little guys.


Last year I h

ad three celery plants.  Miraculously, they overwintered.  Perhaps it's because they're grown here in NJ.  In the old days, around Jersey City, NJ, there was a town called Celeryville.  It needs lots of water and a long, cool growing season.  Its roots are very shallow, so it isn't happy when it runs dry.  The stalks get stringy.  This spring, my celery came back and as I was weeding around it, I noticed that it had lots of bunches.  I thought I would take a few out and replant.  They seem to be doing fine, next to the potatoes.


This year in my New Jersey garden I've started to grow potatoes, red and blue.  I let them sprout, cut them up and planted them in mid-March.  Probably too early but I took a chance.  They had a bit of frost around the last week of April but except for a few blackened leaves, they are fine.  (No sign of the damaged leaves today.)  A few bug bites on the leaves so I will have to watch for little critters. 


Garlic is a wonderful plant to grow. In the fall, around October here in NJ, you start with a bulb, divide it up into cloves and plant each clove about 6 inches apart. Cover with soil and mulch it. Let it percolate over winter and in the spring you will see new shoots. It's almost mid-May now and they continue to grow leaves. I keep looking for a garlic scape but non so far.